08 September 2004
Greetings from Fiji (South Pacific)!

God opened up the doors to be able to come and witness some incredible things He is doing across the World! I will share more later, but if you want to see a few pictures, check out the http://xrd.blogspot.com site for a bit of insight of this trip.

Just wanted to remind anyone who is interested in coming to a Before I See You At The Pole Rally this Saturday at 10020 Bauman. Freddie Colloca will be in concert and Gabe Salazar will be sharing in the word of God. There will be lotsa food and games and all proceeds will go to the Speed The Light Missions program... $5 and a non-perishable food item gets you in! Bring your friends who want to be confronted with a challenge to make a difference in their school communities on Sept 15! Hope to see you there!

Max Torres
713.694.0361 for more info.

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