27 July 2004
FBCI Calendar - HUD in Houston
FBCI Calendar - HUD
FREE Grant Writing Training Workshops - HUD
FREE Grant Writing Training Workshops - HUD
25 July 2004
Hang Out in Humble @ f.u.e.l. cybercafe
fuel cybercafe
Busy in Humble this weekend?
humble skatepark
18 July 2004
Barna - examines "Passion" impact
Welcome to The Barna Group!
14 July 2004
Look what I found: Follow the Rabbi - That the World May Know
Follow the Rabbi - That the World May Know
06 July 2004
War of the Baseball Caps - Leadership journal - ChristianityTodayLibrary.com
Greetings fellow Bloggers! Click on the following title to link to a wonderfully inspiring article: War of the Baseball Caps - Leadership journal - ChristianityTodayLibrary.com

My Personal Note:
Leadership always presents it's own challenges! I hope you who aspire to Pastoral responsibilities will read this article and file it away under "Important Now, and even more when I am in the Pastorate."

I am hoping that your 4th of July celebrations were safe and full of inspiration as we appreciate the Freedom that we have in Christ and to worship our Lord in this country! God Bless America, and everywhere else!

Pass this link on to as many as you can!
02 July 2004
Winkie's Turning 60!
This is a long read, so get read-y! :) Many of you do not know Winkie Pratney, but if you ask your veteran Youth Leaders, they will tell you of a man who came to speak at one of our Convention Break Out Sessions (that we used to have) and really impacted many of our District. He speaks from an apologetics standpoint and one of his best discipleship books is Youth Aflame! * you need this in your library if you don't have it yet. check out http://moh.gospelcom.net *

Spread the Word!

Winkie's Turning 60 on August 3rd!
We wanted to surprise him with an outpouring from his many friends so we're conspiring with his son, William, and sending out some emails and letters to everyone we can think of.

The new addition to his US library (The Winkie Pratney Memorial Revival Library)is finished and the books have been moved from the semi-trailer into the library itself (on YWAM Twin Oaks property). We're all really excited about it, but no one more than Winkie himself who has been there in the wee hours of the morning sorting and arranging and getting things in order.

I won't say much more....because following is a message from William, who is spearheading the Birthday Surprise. I will say this, however. If you know people who love Winkie and appreciate his ministry, please forward this to them. Blessings, Jim & Dee Patton

Following is a message from William (aka Billy Pratney)

As many of you know, my father, Winkie Pratney has had an impact on millions of young people around the world. As his 60th birthday is approaching, we're asking all his closest friends and associates to come up with something that would bless him on this day. Ten years ago, he was blessed (by the help of many of you- you know who you are) with a new car. This day, so many years later, I would like, with your help, to bless him again. Now it doesn't have to be money, but it should be something that would definitely bless him. And, (here's where it gets sacrificial) it should be something fitting for a 60th birthday.

So I'm asking all of you to reach into your pocketbooks and bless this man who has had such an impact on your lives and the lives of countless others.

The deadline for this is August 1st. His birthday is on the 3rd.

If you do wish to make a financial donation there is something you could contribute to right now that he's needing money for:
Youth With A Mission Tyler has given him a building for him to house all his books in (yes his 10,000 book Texan library). He needs money for it. It is officially called the Winkie Pratney Memorial Revival Library (yes, even though he's not dead yet). So far they have been expanding it and making the building suitable to house all the books in. When it is finished, it is expected to be a sermon preparation, research and study library equipped with computer and laptop stations, each one equipped with T1 lines (that's a very fast internet connection for those of you less technically savvy out there) as well as an entire health section that will have multimedia, books, magazines, herbs for people to try, and a kitchen for making natural remedies in etc. It's a big deal. And we're hoping to have it up and running this year. If you wish to contribute to this specific project tax deductible donations can be made out to YWAM (Please be sure to put on a post-it note attached to the check or money order "Library"- if you do not
write this on a separate note the money will simply go into YWAM Tyler and Winkie will NOT get the money). If you want to send him personal money DO NOT make it out to YWAM. Instead, simply make it out to "Winkie Pratney".

If you want to send him a card please include something meaningful- perhaps a story- whatever you want, but I suggest some way God used him to impact your life for Christ. We're hoping (that is, my mom and I) to really bless him this year. Send him your best. Let him know how you feel or how he's been instrumentally used of God to help you. I thank you.

Thanks ahead of time for whatever you're willing to send.

Goodbye and God bless!

William Pratney

Letters and cards should all be directed to:
William for Winkie Pratney
PO Box 3000
Garden Valley, TX 75771

Packages and parcels should be all be directed to:
William for Winkie Pratney
Twin Oaks Ranch
20131 Farm Rd Hwy 16 W
Lindale, TX 75771

If you have questions please feel free to e-mail me at

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